The graph below shows a car's motion.

Distance (meters)
(1 point)
10 15 20 25
Time (minutes)
Which statement is true?
The car traveled back to its starting point.
The total time spent was 45 minutes.
The car's speed was not constant.
The car never slowed down.

The correct statement is: The car's speed was not constant.

Based on the given graph, we can make the following conclusions:

1. The car traveled back to its starting point: False. The graph does not show negative distance values, so the car did not return to its starting point.

2. The total time spent was 45 minutes: False. The graph does not provide any information to calculate the total time spent.

3. The car's speed was not constant: True. The graph shows that the distance covered per unit of time is not consistent. For example, between 6000 and 5000 meters, the distance decreases by 1000 meters, while between 5000 and 4000 meters, the distance decreases by 1000 meters again. This indicates that the car's speed varied during the motion.

4. The car never slowed down: False. The graph clearly shows that the car's speed decreases at certain points. For example, between 6000 and 5000 meters, the distance covered in one unit of time is less than the distance covered between 5000 and 4000 meters.

Therefore, the statement "The car's speed was not constant" is true.

To determine which statement is true, we need to analyze the information provided in the graph. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The graph shows the distance the car traveled in meters at different time intervals in minutes.
2. The graph starts with a distance of 6000 meters and then decreases to 5 meters.
3. The time intervals are not evenly spaced, with a change of 1000 meters between each interval.
4. The graph does not show any negative values for the distance, indicating that the car did not travel back to its starting point.

Now let's evaluate each statement to determine its accuracy:

1. The statement "The car traveled back to its starting point" is false since the graph does not show a negative distance, implying that the car did not return to its starting point.

2. The statement "The total time spent was 45 minutes" cannot be determined from the given graph. The graph only provides information about the distances traveled at each time interval, but it does not explicitly show the total time.

3. The statement "The car's speed was not constant" is true based on the given information. The varying distances traveled at each time interval suggest that the car's speed was changing throughout its motion.

4. The statement "The car never slowed down" is false. From the graph, we see that the distance decreases as time progresses, indicating that the car did slow down.

Therefore, the correct answer is: The car's speed was not constant.