Charlie views the diagram of a process that occurs within a cell.

Which question can he answer using the diagram?

What is the ratio of glucose and water created through cellular respiration?
Where is water stored in the process of cellular respiration?
What are the inputs and outputs in the process of photosynthesis?
Where is glucose stored after it is created through photosynthesis?

c) What are the inputs and outputs in the process of photosynthesis?

The question that can be answered using the diagram is:

c. What are the inputs and outputs in the process of photosynthesis?

The question that Charlie can answer using the diagram is:

c. What are the inputs and outputs in the process of photosynthesis?

To find the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis, Charlie should carefully analyze the diagram. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Charlie can identify the inputs as sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide, and the outputs as glucose and oxygen based on the arrows or labels provided in the diagram.