The thesis statement belongs at the end of the first paragraph. Use the sentences below to identify which statement would be considered a WEAK thesis statement.

1 point
Today's films do not have the emotional impact of the classic horror films of the 1940s.
Many people do not like to watch violent horror films

Many people do not like to watch violent horror films.

The statement "Many people do not like to watch violent horror films" would be considered a WEAK thesis statement.

To identify a weak thesis statement from the sentences provided, it would be helpful to understand the qualities of a strong thesis statement. A strong thesis statement is clear, specific, arguable, and provides a roadmap for the reader to understand the main points in the essay.

Looking at the sentences provided, we can evaluate their strength as potential thesis statements:

1. "Today's films do not have the emotional impact of the classic horror films of the 1940s."
This statement is clear and specific, as it compares the emotional impact of today's films to classic horror films from the 1940s. However, it may lack arguability, as it is a subjective opinion that may not be easily proven or disproven. Nevertheless, it is a more potential thesis statement than the other sentence.

2. "Many people do not like to watch violent horror films."
This statement discusses the preference of many people regarding violent horror films. While it is a general observation, it lacks speci