In order to decrypt an encrypted message, pass the encrypted message and the _ to the decrypt function.

• key

• cipertext

• decrypted message

• cryptology

In order to decrypt an encrypted message, pass the encrypted message and the key to the decrypt function.

In order to decrypt an encrypted message, you need to pass the encrypted message and the key to the decrypt function.

Encryption is the process of converting plain or readable text (plaintext) into an unreadable or encoded form (ciphertext) using an algorithm and a key. Decryption, on the other hand, is the reverse process of converting the ciphertext back into the original plaintext using the same key.

To perform decryption, you'll need access to the same key that was used for encryption. The key is a crucial piece of information that allows the decryption algorithm to reverse the encryption process and retrieve the original plaintext.

Here are the steps to decrypt an encrypted message:

1. Obtain the encrypted message: This is the ciphertext that was created through the encryption process. It is usually a series of characters or bits that appear random and unintelligible.

2. Acquire the decryption key: You need to have the correct key that was used for the encryption. Depending on the encryption algorithm being used, the key may be a password, a numerical value, or a combination of different characters.

3. Use the decrypt function/method: Pass the encrypted message, along with the key, to the decrypt function. The decrypt function will utilize the key to reverse the encryption process and retrieve the original plaintext.

4. Get the decrypted message: Once the decrypt function completes its execution, it will return the decrypted message as output. This decrypted message is the original plaintext that was encrypted in the first place.

It's important to note that different encryption algorithms and programming languages may have different methods or functions for decryption. It's necessary to consult the specific documentation, resources, or libraries related to your chosen encryption algorithm or programming language to find the appropriate decrypt function and syntax.

In order to decrypt an encrypted message, you need to pass the encrypted message and the key to the decrypt function. The key is used to reverse the encryption process and recover the original message. The decrypted message is the result of this process. Cryptology is the study of techniques for secure communication, including encryption and decryption methods.