What does a seismograph record?(1 point)


the distance from the epicenter of an earthquake
the distance from the epicenter of an earthquake

the amount of damage that results from an earthquake
the amount of damage that results from an earthquake

the total amount of energy released by an earthquake
the total amount of energy released by an earthquake

the vibrations produced by an earthquake

the vibrations produced by an earthquake

The vibrations produced by an earthquake.

A seismograph records the vibrations produced by an earthquake. When an earthquake occurs, it generates seismic waves that travel through the Earth's crust. These waves cause the ground to shake, producing vibrations. A seismograph is a device that is designed to detect and measure these vibrations. It consists of a mass suspended from a stationary support. When the ground shakes due to an earthquake, the mass remains stationary while the recording instrument attached to it moves. This movement is then recorded as a graphical trace on a rotating drum or a computer screen by the seismograph. By analyzing the recorded data, scientists can study various properties of the earthquake, such as its magnitude, duration, and location.