What is the unit price for one Paper Mate Flair Pen if 36 pens cost $42.12?

The unit price for one Paper Mate Flair Pen is $42.12/36 = $1.17.

To find the unit price for one Paper Mate Flair Pen, you need to divide the total cost of 36 pens by the number of pens.

Step 1: Divide the total cost by the number of pens:
$42.12 ÷ 36 = $1.17 (rounded to the nearest cent)

Therefore, the unit price for one Paper Mate Flair Pen is $1.17.

To find the unit price for one Paper Mate Flair Pen, you need to divide the total cost of 36 pens by the number of pens. In this case, divide $42.12 by 36.

$42.12 ÷ 36 = $1.17

Therefore, the unit price for one Paper Mate Flair Pen is $1.17.