A general property of a good encryption is good encryptions are easy to encrypt but very hard to decrypt.

(2 points)
O True
• False


A general property of a good encryption is that it is easy to encrypt but very hard to decrypt.

The correct answer is False.

While it is true that a good encryption should be easy to encrypt, it should also be difficult to decrypt without the proper keys or knowledge. The security of an encryption system relies on the encryption algorithm and the strength of the encryption key used. The difficulty in decrypting the encrypted data ensures that unauthorized individuals or malicious attackers cannot easily access the original information.

In modern encryption algorithms, such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) or RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), the strength lies in the use of complex mathematical operations and large key sizes. These algorithms are designed to make it computationally infeasible, or nearly impossible, to break the encryption without knowing the correct key.

To summarize, a good encryption should strike a balance between being easy to encrypt (for authorized users) and difficult to decrypt (for unauthorized users).
