A hose fills a tub at a rate of 4 ounces per minute. How many pints per hour will the hose fill the tub?

16 ounces = 1 pint

60 minutes = 1 hour

(1 point)

1.06 pints per hour
1.06 pints per hour

240 pints per hour
240 pints per hour

3,840 pints per hour
3,840 pints per hour

15 pints per hour

To find the answer, we can first convert the rate from ounces per minute to pints per hour.

Since 16 ounces are equal to 1 pint, we can divide the rate of 4 ounces per minute by 16 to get the rate in pints per minute:

4 ounces/16 ounces = 0.25 pints

Now, we need to convert the rate from minutes to hours. Since 60 minutes are equal to 1 hour, we can multiply the rate of 0.25 pints per minute by 60 to get the rate in pints per hour:

0.25 pints/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 15 pints/hour

Therefore, the hose will fill the tub at a rate of 15 pints per hour.

To find out how many pints per hour the hose will fill the tub, we first need to convert the rate from ounces per minute to pints per hour.

Step 1: Convert ounces to pints:
1 pint = 16 ounces

Step 2: Convert minutes to hours:
1 hour = 60 minutes

Now, let's calculate the pints per hour.

4 ounces/min * (1 pint / 16 ounces) * (60 minutes / 1 hour) = 15 pints/hour

Therefore, the hose will fill the tub at a rate of 15 pints per hour.

To find the number of pints per hour that the hose will fill the tub, we can use the given information that the hose fills the tub at a rate of 4 ounces per minute.

First, let's convert the rate from ounces per minute to pints per hour.

Since there are 16 ounces in 1 pint, we can divide the rate in ounces by 16 to convert it to pints.

4 ounces / 16 = 0.25 pints per minute

To convert this rate to pints per hour, we need to multiply it by the number of minutes in an hour, which is 60.

0.25 pints/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 15 pints/hour

So, the hose will fill the tub at a rate of 15 pints per hour.

A printer can print 8 pages per minute. How many pages could the printer print in 1 hour?

60 minutes = 1 hour

(1 point)

52 pages per hour
52 pages per hour

215 pages per hour
Start Fraction 2 over 15 End Fraction pages per hour

68 pages per hour
68 pages per hour

480 pages per hour
480 pages per hour

To find the number of pages the printer can print in one hour, we need to multiply the printing rate by the number of minutes in an hour.

Given that the printer can print 8 pages per minute and there are 60 minutes in an hour:

8 pages/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 480 pages/hour

Therefore, the printer can print 480 pages in one hour.

A pickleball moves at a speed of 100 miles per hour. What is the speed in feet per minute?

5,280 feet = 1 mile

60 minutes = 1 hour

(1 point)

528,000 feet per minute
528,000 feet per minute

8,800 feet per minute
8,800 feet per minute

2,933 feet per minute
2,933 feet per minute

146 feet per minute
146 feet per minute

To find the speed in feet per minute, we need to convert the speed from miles per hour to feet per minute.

Given that there are 5,280 feet in a mile and 60 minutes in an hour:

100 miles/hour * 5,280 feet/mile * 1 hour/60 minutes = 8,800 feet/minute

Therefore, the speed of the pickleball is 8,800 feet per minute.

A speed limit in Europe is 80 km per hour. What is the speed in miles per hour? There are about 1.6 kilometers in 1 mile. (1 point)


50 miles per hour
50 miles per hour

80 miles per hour
80 miles per hour

128 miles per hour
128 miles per hour

75 miles per hour

To convert the speed from kilometers per hour to miles per hour, we need to multiply the speed in kilometers per hour by the conversion factor of 0.621371, which is the number of miles in 1 kilometer.

Given that the speed limit is 80 km per hour:

80 km/hour * 0.621371 miles/km = 49.70968 miles/hour

Rounding to the nearest whole number, the speed limit in miles per hour is approximately 50 miles per hour.

Therefore, the speed limit in miles per hour is 50 mph.