Which of these sentences uses a metaphor?

He plays for fun; he plays to win.

He is a fantastic player.

He is a star.

He caught the ball and then made a basket.

C. He is a star.

To identify which of these sentences uses a metaphor, it's important to understand what a metaphor is. A metaphor is a figure of speech that expresses a comparison between two different things, without using the words "like" or "as." Let's analyze each sentence to see if it contains a metaphor.

A. "He plays for fun; he plays to win."
This sentence does not contain a metaphor. It simply describes two different motivations for playing.

B. "He is a fantastic player."
This sentence does contain a metaphor. By stating that "He is a fantastic player," it implies that the person being described is not literally a fantastic player, but rather suggesting that the person's skills and abilities are excellent.

C. "He is a star."
This sentence also contains a metaphor. When it says "He is a star," it means that the person being described is not literally a star but is being compared to a star to convey that they are highly talented or famous.

D. "He caught the ball and then made a basket."
This sentence does not contain a metaphor. It simply describes a sequence of actions without any figurative language.

Therefore, the two sentences that use metaphors are B. "He is a fantastic player" and C. "He is a star."

The sentence that uses a metaphor is:

B. He is a fantastic player.

Metaphors compare two unlike things without using the words "like" or "as." In this sentence, the speaker is comparing the person to a fantastic player, implying that the person possesses qualities or skills similar to that of a fantastic player.