The statement below was made by Thomas Jefferson in a 1786 letter to John Jay.

"...our liberty, which cannot be guarded but by the freedom of the press..."

Why should this freedom be protected?

(1 point)

to keep the news media from controlling the political process
to keep the news media from controlling the political process

to provide the news media with a guaranteed profit
to provide the news media with a guaranteed profit

to keep the government from becoming the primary information source
to keep the government from becoming the primary information source

to provide the government with an accurate information source
to provide the government with an accurate information source

The correct answer is: to keep the government from becoming the primary information source. Jefferson argued that the freedom of the press is essential to guard our liberty, as it prevents the government from controlling and manipulating the information available to the public. By having a free press, the people have access to diverse sources of information and can make informed decisions about their government and society.

The correct response is:

to keep the government from becoming the primary information source.

According to Thomas Jefferson's statement, the freedom of the press should be protected to prevent the government from controlling and monopolizing the dissemination of information. Jefferson believed that a free press was essential in safeguarding liberty by providing an independent and unbiased source of information to the public.

The correct response is:

to keep the government from becoming the primary information source.


Thomas Jefferson believed that the freedom of the press was essential for the protection of liberty. He argued that without a free press, the government would have too much control over the information that citizens receive, which could lead to the erosion of individual freedoms. By allowing for a free press, citizens can have access to diverse sources of information and hold their governments accountable.

To arrive at this answer, it required analyzing the quote and understanding the principles behind the freedom of the press. In this case, the response that aligns most closely with Jefferson's views is that a protected press is necessary to prevent the government from becoming the primary source of information.