Which economic activity employed most Tejanos living in Texas during the 1820s and 1830s?(1 point)


serving as part of the Anglo empresario colonies’ militia forces
serving as part of the Anglo empresario colonies’ militia forces

working as enslaved laborers on plantations owned by Anglo settlers
working as enslaved laborers on plantations owned by Anglo settlers

farming small plots of land to raise their own food
farming small plots of land to raise their own food

owning large cotton plantations worked by enslaved Black Americans

The economic activity that employed most Tejanos living in Texas during the 1820s and 1830s was farming small plots of land to raise their own food.

The economic activity that employed most Tejanos living in Texas during the 1820s and 1830s was farming small plots of land to raise their own food.

The economic activity that employed most Tejanos living in Texas during the 1820s and 1830s was farming small plots of land to raise their own food. To arrive at this answer, we can analyze the options provided and choose the one that is most likely based on the historical context.

1. Serving as part of the Anglo empresario colonies' militia forces: While some Tejanos may have participated in the militia forces, this option does not specifically address economic activity and is more focused on military service.

2. Working as enslaved laborers on plantations owned by Anglo settlers: This option involves Tejanos working as enslaved laborers on Anglo-owned plantations. Although there were instances of Tejanos being enslaved, they were not the main group employed in this manner during that time period. The primary use of enslaved laborers in Texas was by Anglo settlers.

3. Farming small plots of land to raise their own food: This option best aligns with the historical context. Tejanos during the 1820s and 1830s generally farmed small plots of land to provide for their own sustenance rather than being employed by others. Independent subsistence farming was a common economic activity for Tejanos during this time.

4. Owning large cotton plantations worked by enslaved Black Americans: While there were Tejano landowners who owned large plantations, the overwhelming majority of these plantations were owned by Anglo settlers and worked by enslaved Black Americans. This option does not reflect the primary economic activity of Tejanos during that time period.

Therefore, the correct answer is farming small plots of land to raise their own food.