Which of the following answers best analyzes the impact of the Supreme Court case rulings of Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education on individual freedoms and equal protection?(1 point)


Plessy v. Ferguson created Jim Crow laws and Brown v. Board created the separate but equal doctrine in public transportation.
Plessy v. Ferguson created Jim Crow laws and Brown v. Board created the separate but equal doctrine in public transportation.

Plessy v. Ferguson set the precedent to the separate but equal doctrine and Brown v. Board abolished the Separate Car Act.
Plessy v. Ferguson set the precedent to the separate but equal doctrine and Brown v. Board abolished the Separate Car Act.

Plessy v. Ferguson reestablished Jim Crow laws and Brown v. Board made segregation in public settings constitutional.
Plessy v. Ferguson reestablished Jim Crow laws and Brown v. Board made segregation in public settings constitutional.

Plessy v. Ferguson created the separate but equal doctrine and Brown v. Board ended the separate but equal doctrine in public educatio

Plessy v. Ferguson created the separate but equal doctrine and Brown v. Board ended the separate but equal doctrine in public education.


Correct answer:

Plessy v. Ferguson created the separate but equal doctrine and Brown v. Board ended the separate but equal doctrine in public education.

The correct answer is: Plessy v. Ferguson created the separate but equal doctrine and Brown v. Board ended the separate but equal doctrine in public education.

To analyze the impact of these Supreme Court cases on individual freedoms and equal protection, we need to understand what each case established or overturned.

Plessy v. Ferguson was a Supreme Court case in 1896 that upheld racial segregation in public facilities under the "separate but equal" doctrine. This case led to the creation of Jim Crow laws, which enforced racial segregation and discrimination in various aspects of life.

On the other hand, Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark Supreme Court case in 1954 that declared state laws establishing separate public schools for Black and white students to be unconstitutional. This ruling overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson, stating that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal, violating the 14th Amendment's equal protection clause.

Therefore, the correct answer is that Plessy v. Ferguson created the separate but equal doctrine, which led to the establishment of Jim Crow laws, while Brown v. Board of Education ended the separate but equal doctrine in public education, thus contributing to individual freedoms and promoting equal protection.