When you enter Larry’s Sporting Goods, a little bell above the door jingles, but there’s no one there to welcome you. In fact, there’s no one to be seen at all.

You spot a phone charger plugged in near the register, so you decide to plug your phone in and browse the store while you wait for Larry to show up. If anyone has seen Paige today, it has to be Larry. He never misses a day in his store.

You walk around, checking out some of the new boards. Larry’s might be off the beaten path, but it definitely has the best skating stuff. Next to the shoes, there’s also a stack of SK8BOARDER’S WEEKLY, dated today. Yep, Paige was definitely here.

Larry finally comes out of the back room, balancing a huge stack of shoe boxes. He puts them on the floor and wipes his hands on his hips. “Hey, Andie! Can I help you?”

“Yeah. I’m looking for Paige. I can’t find her anywhere.”

He looks away for a moment. “Yeah, uh, I think she dropped by early. She said something about heading over to Crooked Creek Park.”

“Crooked Creek Park?” You frown. “Why would she go there?”

“She said something about a five-stair heel flip,” Larry replies, and then heads back to the supply room. Hmmm. You get the sneaking suspicion there’s something he’s not telling you.

What do I need to grab?

Based on the information provided, you do not need to grab anything. It seems that you are just browsing the store while waiting for Larry to show up and inquire about Paige.

Based on the information provided, you don't need to grab anything specific. However, if you want to pursue finding Paige at Crooked Creek Park, you may want to consider bringing the following items:

1. Your phone: Since you mentioned plugging it into the charger at Larry's Sporting Goods, make sure to take it with you when you leave the store. It will be helpful for communication or any other needs during your search.

2. Directions or a map: If you are unfamiliar with the location of Crooked Creek Park, it's a good idea to have directions or a map to ensure you can find it easily.

3. Comfortable clothing and shoes: If you plan on searching the park thoroughly, wearing appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes will make it easier for you to move around and explore different areas.

4. Water and snacks: If you anticipate spending a significant amount of time at the park, staying hydrated and having some snacks on hand can help keep your energy levels up.

Remember to always prioritize safety and inform someone about your plans to search for Paige.

Based on the information provided in the passage, it is unclear what item you are looking to grab. However, there are some potential options mentioned in the context that you might consider grabbing:

1. Your phone: Since you mentioned plugging your phone into the charger, it is possible that you would need to grab your phone before leaving Larry's Sporting Goods.

2. Skateboarding equipment: The passage mentions that Larry's Sporting Goods has the best skating stuff, so if you are interested in skateboarding, you might consider grabbing some skateboarding equipment or accessories that catch your eye while browsing the store.

3. SK8BOARDER'S WEEKLY magazine: If you are into skateboarding, you might want to grab a copy of the SK8BOARDER'S WEEKLY magazine from the stack next to the shoes. It is mentioned that the magazine is dated today.

However, keep in mind that the passage does not explicitly mention any specific item that you need to grab, so the answer to your question may not be explicitly stated in the given text.