What was the primary goal of Hernando de Soto as he explored the American southeast

a. to find gold
b. to conquer land
c. to convert Native Americans
d. to develop trade partnerships

a. to find gold

The primary goal of Hernando de Soto as he explored the American southeast was to find gold.

To determine the primary goal of Hernando de Soto as he explored the American southeast, we can examine historical records and analyze his actions during his expedition.

Hernando de Soto was a Spanish explorer who embarked on his journey in the early 16th century with the intention of expanding Spanish territory and finding wealth. His primary goal was to find gold and other valuable resources, with the ultimate aim of increasing Spain's economic prosperity. This means that option "a. to find gold" is the correct answer.

By understanding the historical context and the motivations of explorers during that time period, we can ascertain the likely primary goal of Hernando de Soto and arrive at the correct answer.