If you have an unknown material that is a brittle solid and semiconductive, what kind of substance would it be?

A. It must be a nonmetal
B. It must be a metalloid
C. It could be a nonmetal or a metalloid
D. It could be a metal

C. It could be a nonmetal or a metalloid

Based on the given information, the unknown material that is both a brittle solid and semiconductive must be a nonmetal or a metalloid. So the correct answer would be C. It could be a nonmetal or a metalloid.

To determine the kind of substance based on the given characteristics, we can use the periodic table as a reference.

1. Start by looking at the property of being a brittle solid. Brittle solids are materials that break or shatter easily when subjected to stress. Metals are generally not brittle and tend to have a higher degree of malleability or ductility. Nonmetals, on the other hand, can be brittle in nature.

2. Next, consider the property of being semiconductive. Semiconductors have an intermediate level of electrical conductivity between conductors (such as metals) and insulators (such as nonmetals). Metals are good conductors of electricity, while nonmetals are insulators. However, there are certain elements called metalloids that exhibit semiconductive properties.

Based on these observations, we can conclude that the unknown material is likely to be a metalloid. Metalloids have physical and chemical properties that are intermediate between metals and nonmetals. They can exhibit brittle characteristics and are semiconductive.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. It must be a metalloid.