You drop your board on the ground and head straight to Paige’s favorite place to grind rails. There are some old ones behind the town recycling center, left over from a building that was torn down because the people doing the demolition swore it was haunted. Burnbridge has a lot of history like that: partially run-down buildings, little landmarks that have strange stories behind them.

You call Paige’s mom on the way, and tell her you can’t find Paige.

“I don’t know, Andie. She left an hour ago to meet you. Have you tried calling her phone?” her mother says, but before you can explain, she hangs up, explaining she has to be at a PTA meeting. You sigh. It’s totally up to you to find her. What if something’s really wrong and you can’t even get her mom to pay attention?

You arrive by the rails, but there’s no sign of Paige. You try her phone again, but she still doesn’t pick up. What’s going on? Maybe look around and see if you can find anything?

To start looking around and see if you can find anything, follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by scanning the immediate area around the rails. Look for any traces or belongings of Paige that could provide you with clues about her whereabouts.

Step 2: Check the ground for footprints or any signs of recent activity that could indicate where Paige may have gone. Pay attention to any unusual marks or objects that may stand out.

Step 3: Expand your search to the surrounding area. Pay close attention to any nearby buildings, paths, or hiding spots that Paige might have utilized.

Step 4: If you haven't already, call Paige's phone again. Listen carefully for any background noise or potential clues that may offer insight into her location or situation.

Step 5: Ask nearby individuals if they have seen Paige or have any information about her whereabouts. Approach any people who seem familiar with the area or might have noticed something unusual.

Step 6: If you still haven't found any leads, consider reaching out to other friends or acquaintances who may have seen or heard from Paige. They might have information that can help guide your search.

Step 7: If all else fails, contact the local authorities or report Paige as a missing person. Provide them with any information you have gathered so far to assist in their investigation.

Remember to stay calm and rational while conducting your search. It's essential to gather as much information as possible to help locate Paige.

As you find yourself in a potentially urgent situation, it is important to remain calm and systematically approach finding Paige. Here's what you can do to try and understand what's going on:

1. Look around: Begin by scanning the area near the rails for any signs of Paige or any clues that might indicate where she could be. This includes checking out the immediate surroundings and any nearby buildings or hiding spots she might be in.

2. Ask for help: Approach any nearby individuals or residents who might have seen or know something about Paige's whereabouts. Remember to stay polite and explain the situation, as they could provide valuable information.

3. Utilize technology: If you have access to a smartphone or any other device with internet access, consider using it to your advantage. You can try tracking Paige's location through GPS if she has shared her location with you or use social media platforms to see if she has posted anything recently that might indicate her current location.

4. Seek out familiar places: Think about the places Paige frequently visits or enjoys going to. These might include parks, cafes, or other hangout spots that she might have mentioned to you before. You can try checking those places to see if she happens to be there.

5. Notify authorities if necessary: If you have exhausted all options and you genuinely believe there is a cause for concern, it might be appropriate to involve the authorities. Explain the situation to them, providing any relevant details such as the last time you saw Paige or any suspicious circumstances surrounding her disappearance. This will ensure that professionals can assist in locating her and ensuring her safety.

Always remember, safety should be the top priority. Depending on the severity of the situation or your own judgment, you may need to act quickly or seek help from adults or authorities.

You start to look around, hoping to find any clue or sign of Paige's whereabouts. As you scan the area near the rails, you notice some graffiti on the side of a nearby building. Curiosity piqued, you walk closer to examine the artwork.

The graffiti is a vibrant mural depicting various skateboarding tricks and vibrant colors. You recognize the style as one of Paige's favorite local artists. As you examine the mural closer, you notice a small tag near the bottom corner with Paige's initials. It seems like she must have been here recently.

Feeling a glimmer of hope, you check around the rest of the area. You notice some discarded skateboards and a scattered pile of empty energy drink cans near the rails. You remember Paige's love for skating and her penchant for energy drinks.

You decide to follow the path of discarded skateboards and empty cans, assuming it may lead you to Paige. As you walk along, you catch a glimpse of movement out of the corner of your eye. You turn your head and see a familiar figure sitting on a bench a little further ahead.

Relief washes over you as you recognize Paige, slumped over with her head in her hands. You rush over to her, calling out her name. Startled, she looks up, appearing drained and distraught.

"Andie, I'm sorry," Paige mutters, her voice shaky. "I just needed some time alone. Something happened, and I didn't know how to deal with it."

Concerned, you kneel down beside her, putting an arm around her shoulders. "What happened, Paige? You can talk to me."

Paige takes a deep breath, struggling to hold back tears. She explains that she received an email earlier from the local skate shop, informing her that she didn't make the cut for sponsorship. Skateboarding has always been her passion, and she had put so much effort into improving her skills, hoping to get recognized.

She tells you how devastated she feels, as if a door to her dreams had been firmly shut. You listen empathetically, assuring her that sponsorship doesn't define her worth as a skater or a person. You remind her of all the progress she's made and the joy skateboarding brings her.

After a while, Paige's tears subside, and she manages a faint smile. "Thanks, Andie. I needed someone to remind me of why I love skating. I guess setbacks are just part of the journey, right?"

You nod in agreement, offering her a hand to stand up. "Absolutely, Paige. You're talented, and I believe in you. Plus, we'll always have each other's backs."

Together, you leave the rails behind and head back towards town, ready to support Paige as she processes her disappointment and works towards new goals. As you walk, you can't help but feel grateful for the little landmarks and strange stories in Burnbridge that have led you to your best friend in times of need.