In which sentence is a comma used correctly?(1 point)


On Sunday I want to go to the museum, all day.
On Sunday I want to go to the museum, all day.

Oscar wants to go to the pool, so that is where we will go.
Oscar wants to go to the pool, so that is where we will go.

Ben likes toast but, I like rolls with my meals.
Ben likes toast but, I like rolls with my meals.

After dinner we went to the, store to shop for shoes.

Oscar wants to go to the pool, so that is where we will go.

The sentence that uses a comma correctly is:

"Oscar wants to go to the pool, so that is where we will go."

The sentence where a comma is used correctly is:

"Oscar wants to go to the pool, so that is where we will go."

To determine if a comma is used correctly, we should consider its purpose. In this sentence, the comma is used to separate the independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction "so." The first independent clause is "Oscar wants to go to the pool," and the second independent clause is "that is where we will go." To join these clauses, a comma is needed before the coordinating conjunction "so." Therefore, the comma is used correctly in this sentence.