You text Paige to let her know you’re on your way, but she doesn’t answer. No big deal, you’ll meet her there. You’re both so excited for the competition today. They’ll be a half-pipe and rails, and skaters from out of town are driving in to compete. Today, Burnbridge, tomorrow, the X games!

When you arrive at the park, you scan your normal hangs but don’t see Paige anywhere. Hmmm. This is strange. You decide to ask around to see if anyone has seen your friend.

What is the main characters favorite pre-skating treat?

The text does not provide any information about the main character's favorite pre-skating treat.

The passage does not mention the main character's favorite pre-skating treat.

To find out the main character's favorite pre-skating treat, we can look for clues within the given context. Unfortunately, the provided information does not explicitly mention the main character's favorite pre-skating treat. However, we can make some logical assumptions based on the context. Here's how we can approach it:

1. Analyze the context: The passage talks about a competition where skaters, including the main character and Paige, are excited to participate. There is no direct mention of the main character's favorite pre-skating treat in this particular section.

2. Look for hints or preferences: While there may not be direct information on the main character's favorite treat, you can consider any hints or preferences that are mentioned. For example, you could look for details about food, beverages, or any specific items that the main character talks about in relation to skating.

3. Use imagination: If there are no hints or preferences mentioned in the passage, you can use your imagination to come up with a potential favorite treat for the main character. Think about what kind of treat you personally enjoy before engaging in physical activities or sports. It could be something like a protein bar, a smoothie, a sandwich, or any other snack that provides energy.

Ultimately, since there is no direct information available in the given passage, the specific favorite pre-skating treat of the main character remains unknown.