Read the table.


Which of the following would be an accurate title for the table?

(1 point)

Major Exports from South Africa
Major Exports from South Africa

Major Exports from Kenya
Major Exports from Kenya

Major Exports from Ivory Coast
Major Exports from Ivory Coast

Major Exports from Nigeria

Major Exports from South Africa

Based on the information provided in the table, an accurate title for the table would be:

"Major Exports from South Africa"

To identify the accurate title for the table, you need to examine the information given in the table.

In this case, the table includes a list of items such as gold, diamonds, chrome, and platinum. Based on this information, it seems that the table is providing a list of major exports from a specific country.

To determine which country is being referred to, you should look for any contextual clues in the table or the overall context of the question. Unfortunately, the table does not include any specific country mentioned in it.

Therefore, without any information about the country, it is not possible to determine the accurate title for the table.