Some flatworms reproduce through fragmentation. What is a disadvantage of this method? (1 point)


It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a much more complex process than sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a very slow process relative to sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.
It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.

It is a process that does not result in many offspring relative to sexual reproduction.

The disadvantage of reproduction through fragmentation is that it leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.

The correct answer for the disadvantage of reproduction through fragmentation is:

- It is a process that leads to lower genetic diversity than sexual reproduction.

Reproduction through fragmentation is a method in which an organism breaks into pieces, and each piece grows into a new individual. While this method allows for asexual reproduction and the creation of multiple offspring, it has a disadvantage of leading to lower genetic diversity.

When reproduction occurs thual reproduction, the genetic material of two parents is combined, resulting in offspring that have a unique combination of genes. This leads to higher genetic diversity, which can be beneficial for a species' survival in changing environments or in the face of diseases.

However, in reproduction through fragmentation, the offspring are genetically identical to the parent organism. This lack of genetic diversity may limit the ability of the species to adapt to new conditions and can make the population more vulnerable to diseases or other environmental pressures. Therefore, this is a disadvantage of fragmentation as a method of reproduction.