Select the correct answer.

Point E is the midpoint of RV. Point E is located at (6,-12), and point R is located at (-10,8). Where is point V located?


E is the midpoint of RV, which means that the coordinates of V are obtained by taking the average of the x-coordinates and the average of the y-coordinates of E and R.

Average of x-coordinates: (6 + (-10))/2 = -2
Average of y-coordinates: (-12 + 8)/2 = -2

So, point V is located at (-2,-2).

Therefore, the correct answer is C. (-2,-2)

To find the location of point V, we need to use the fact that point E is the midpoint of RV.

The midpoint formula is given by:

Midpoint = ((x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2)

Point E: (6, -12)
Point R: (-10, 8)

Let's use the midpoint formula to find the x-coordinate of point V:

x-coordinate of V = (x-coordinate of E + x-coordinate of R) / 2
x-coordinate of V = (6 + (-10)) / 2
x-coordinate of V = -4 / 2
x-coordinate of V = -2

Next, let's use the midpoint formula to find the y-coordinate of point V:

y-coordinate of V = (y-coordinate of E + y-coordinate of R) / 2
y-coordinate of V = (-12 + 8) / 2
y-coordinate of V = -4 / 2
y-coordinate of V = -2

Therefore, point V is located at (-2, -2).

Answer: C. (-2, -2)

To find the location of point V, we need to consider that point E is the midpoint of RV. This means that the coordinates of point E are the average of the coordinates of points R and V.

Let's denote the coordinates of point V as (x, y). According to the midpoint formula, the coordinates of point E are calculated as follows:

x coordinate of E = (x coordinate of R + x coordinate of V) / 2
6 = (-10 + x) / 2

Solving this equation for x:
12 = -10 + x
x = 22

Similarly, we can calculate the y coordinate of E using the same formula:

y coordinate of E = (y coordinate of R + y coordinate of V) / 2
-12 = (8 + y) / 2

Solving this equation for y:
-24 = 8 + y
y = -32

Therefore, the coordinates of point V are (22, -32). Option A, (22,-32), is the correct answer.