Match the description of nuclear decay to the type of nuclear decay.

Has a mass of 4, positively charged: +2:
Has a mass of 4, positively charged: +2
A negatively charged electron:
A negatively charged electron
An energy wave:
An energy wave
Column B

4. a. Alpha

5. c. Beta
6. b. Gamma

To match the description of nuclear decay to the type of nuclear decay, we need to understand the properties and characteristics of the different types of nuclear decay.

1. Alpha Decay:
- Description: Has a mass of 4, positively charged: +2
- Type: Alpha decay releases an alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons.
- Match: (4.) corresponds to alpha decay - (a) Alpha

2. Beta Decay:
- Description: A negatively charged electron
- Type: Beta decay involves the release of a beta particle, which is a high-energy electron.
- Match: (5.) corresponds to beta decay - (c) Beta

3. Gamma Decay:
- Description: An energy wave
- Type: Gamma decay occurs when the nucleus emits gamma radiation, which is a high-energy electromagnetic wave.
- Match: (6.) corresponds to gamma decay - (b) Gamma

Therefore, the matching between the descriptions of nuclear decay and the types of nuclear decay is as follows:

4. - (a) Alpha
5. - (c) Beta
6. - (b) Gamma

4. Match: b. Alpha - Has a mass of 4, positively charged: +2

5. Match: c. Beta - A negatively charged electron
6. Match: a. Gamma - An energy wave