A report states that in 2019, France’s per capita income was 37,400 Euros. Which definition best describes the meaning of per capita?(1 point)

The definition that best describes the meaning of per capita is "per person" or "per individual."

The definition that best describes the meaning of "per capita" is "per person" or "for each individual."

To get this meaning, we can break down the term. "Per" means "for each" or "according to" and "capita" refers to "individuals" or "people." So, when we say "per capita income," we are referring to the income that is allocated or attributed to each individual in a given population.

In the case of the report mentioned, it states that France's per capita income in 2019 was 37,400 Euros, which means that on average, each person in France earned or had an income of 37,400 Euros that year.

The term "per capita" refers to the average or total amount of something divided by the total population. Specifically, it calculates the individual share or income of each person in a given population. In this case, it means that the reported per capita income of France in 2019 was 37,400 Euros, which implies that, on average, each person in France earned that amount of income that year.