Which element shares a family group with Phosphorus (P)?

Group of answer choices

Silicon (Si)

Chlorine (Cl)

Arsenic (As)

Argon (Ar)

Arsenic (As)

The element that shares a family group with Phosphorus (P) is Arsenic (As).

To determine which element shares a family group with Phosphorus (P), you need to locate Phosphorus on the periodic table and identify its group number.

1. Find Phosphorus (P) on the periodic table. Phosphorus is located in the 15th group, also known as Group 15 or Group V, depending on the periodic table you are using.

2. Look for the element in the same group or column as Phosphorus (P). The elements in the same group as Phosphorus belong to the same family and have similar chemical properties.

Based on the given options, the element that shares a family group with Phosphorus (P) is Arsenic (As). Arsenic is also located in Group 15, making it a part of the same family as Phosphorus.