How do dendrites help the function of nerve cells?

They help the neuron block messages from the dendrites of another neuron.

They help the neuron receive messages from the dendrites of another neuron.

They help the neuron block messages from the axon of another neuron.

They help the neuron receive messages from the axon of another neuron.

They help the neuron receive messages from the dendrites of another neuron.

The correct answer is: "They help the neuron receive messages from the dendrites of another neuron."

Dendrites are branch-like structures that extend from the cell body of a nerve cell (neuron). They play a vital role in the function of nerve cells by receiving and transmitting electrical signals, also known as impulses or messages, from other neurons.

When one neuron wants to communicate with another neuron, it sends an electrical signal along its axon (a long, slender projection of a neuron). This electrical signal, known as an action potential, reaches the end of the axon and triggers the release of chemical messengers called neurotransmitters.

The neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic cleft, which is the small gap between the axon terminal of one neuron and the dendrites of the receiving neuron. This is where dendrites come into play. Dendrites contain specialized structures called dendritic spines, which have receptors that bind to the neurotransmitters released by the presynaptic neuron.

By receiving these neurotransmitters, the dendrites help the neuron to integrate and process incoming signals. If the total amount of neurotransmitters received by the dendrites exceeds a certain threshold, it triggers an electrical impulse in the neuron, known as an action potential. This action potential then travels down the neuron's axon, allowing the transmission of the signal to other neurons.

In summary, dendrites help the function of nerve cells by receiving messages from the dendrites of other neurons. They play a crucial role in the integration and processing of incoming signals, ultimately leading to the transmission of electrical impulses to other neurons.

They help the neuron receive messages from the dendrites of another neuron.