1.Which disease or condition is treated by chloramphenicol.

2.why infants or babies are prescribed with chloramphenicol .

1. Chloramphenicol is commonly used to treat bacterial infections, including:

- Typhoid fever
- Bacterial meningitis
- Respiratory tract infections
- Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis.

2. Infants or babies may be prescribed with chloramphenicol in cases where they have an infection caused by susceptible bacteria. However, the use of chloramphenicol in infants is generally limited to serious infections, as it can have potential side effects, such as the risk of a blood disorder called gray baby syndrome. Additionally, it is usually reserved for situations where other antibiotics are not effective or appropriate. The dosage and duration of treatment for infants are carefully determined by healthcare professionals to minimize any potential risks.

1. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic medication that is commonly used to treat various bacterial infections. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria, including those that can cause serious illnesses such as meningitis, typhoid fever, and certain respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. Chloramphenicol is particularly useful in treating infections caused by bacteria that are resistant to other antibiotics.

2. Infants or babies may be prescribed with chloramphenicol in certain cases. One of the main reasons is the treatment of bacterial infections in newborns. Neonatal infections can be serious and potentially life-threatening, so chloramphenicol is often used as a first-line treatment due to its effectiveness against a wide range of bacteria. Additionally, infants may be prescribed with chloramphenicol if they have specific infections that are known to respond well to this antibiotic.

It is important to note that chloramphenicol should only be used under the guidance and prescription of a healthcare professional, as it can have potential side effects and should be administered with caution, especially in infants and babies.

1. Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic drug that is primarily used to treat bacterial infections. It is effective against a wide range of bacteria, including both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Some of the specific diseases or conditions that can be treated by chloramphenicol include bacterial meningitis, typhoid fever, rickettsial infections, and certain respiratory tract infections.

2. Infants or babies may be prescribed with chloramphenicol in cases where they have a bacterial infection that is resistant to other antibiotics or when they are unable to tolerate other antibiotics due to allergies or adverse reactions. Chloramphenicol is sometimes used as a last resort when other treatment options are not suitable for infants or when the specific bacteria causing the infection is known to be susceptible to chloramphenicol. It is important to note that chloramphenicol is not the first-line treatment for most infections in infants and its use should be carefully considered by healthcare professionals.

Finish the lyrics. "Steve Urkel dance"

If you want to do the Steve Urkel dance
All you have to do is hitch up your pants

Bend your knees and stick out your pelvis

(I'm telling you, baby, it's better than Elvis)
Lean back, then jerk your neck forward
Now, that's the Urkel, everybody, get on board

Oh, and you know season 2 episode 18?

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not have real-time access to specific television show episodes or their details. However, if you provide more context or information about the specific episode or show you are referring to, I might be able to help you further.

Season 2 episode 18 family Matters

In "Family Matters," Season 2 Episode 18 is titled "Life of the Party." In this episode, it centers around the Winslow family's preparations for a surprise party for Rachel's birthday. However, things take an unexpected turn when Urkel mistakenly orders a wild gorilla as part of the entertainment for the party. Chaos ensues as they try to manage the situation and keep the gorilla contained. The episode showcases the comedic mishaps and challenges faced by the characters as they navigate through this unique birthday party experience.

No it's when Steve Urkel gets drunk