Paraphase this using simple english language

One of the world's longest epic poetry is the Indian epic known as the Mahabharata. It describes a major conflict between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, two branches of a royal dynasty and is thought to have been written by the sage Vyasa. The epic is rife with colorful characters and intricate plotlines, and it covers difficult moral and philosophical issues.

The Mahabharata is an ancient poem from India that tells a big story. It talks about a big fight between two royal families, the Pandavas and the Kauravas. A wise person named Vyasa is believed to have written it. The poem has lots of interesting people and complicated events, and it talks about important questions of right and wrong.

The Mahabharata is a very long poem from India. It tells the story of a big fight between two groups of royal family members, called the Pandavas and the Kauravas. It was probably written by a wise person named Vyasa. The story has many interesting people and complicated events, and it discusses important questions about what is right and wrong.

The Mahabharata is a very long story from India and it talks about a big fight between two groups of a royal family called the Pandavas and the Kauravas. It is believed to have been written by a wise person named Vyasa. The story has many interesting characters and complicated plots, and it also explores important questions about what is right and wrong and the meaning of life.