How was information conveyed in the Google Earth tour about Egyptian pyramids?

(1 point)

Information was conveyed through short audio clips.
Information was conveyed through short audio clips.

Information was presented in three paragraphs.
Information was presented in three paragraphs.

Information was attached to a particular location and image.
Information was attached to a particular location and image.

Information was conveyed in a concept map.

Information was attached to a particular location and image.

Information was attached to a particular location and image.

To find the answer to this question, you need to refer to the Google Earth tour about Egyptian pyramids. Here are the steps you can follow to access this information:

1. Open Google Earth on your device and search for the Egyptian pyramids.
2. Select the specific tour or location related to the Egyptian pyramids.
3. Explore the content within the tour by clicking on various features or icons.
4. Look for any audio clips or text presentations that provide information about the pyramids.

Based on the given response options, the correct answer is "Information was attached to a particular location and image." In the Google Earth tour, information about the Egyptian pyramids would likely be attached to specific locations within the tour along with corresponding images.