How to write 1.8 billion in numbers

1.8 billion can be written as 1,800,000,000.

To write 1.8 billion in numbers, you simply write the digits "1,800,000,000".

To write 1.8 billion in numbers, you simply write the digit 1 followed by 9 zeros after it. Here is the breakdown:

1 billion = 1,000,000,000

Since you want to write 1.8 billion, you multiply 1 billion by 1.8:

1,000,000,000 x 1.8 = 1,800,000,000

So, 1.8 billion can be written as 1,800,000,000.


Apologies for the confusion. The correct numerical representation of 1.8 billion is 1,800,000,000.