How can an antonym in a context clue help a reader discover the meaning of a word?

1. It restates the meaning of the unknown word.
2. It provides a contrast to the unknown word
3. It gives the definition of the unknown word
4. It replaces the unknown word with a familiar one

2. It provides a contrast to the unknown word.

The correct answer is 2. It provides a contrast to the unknown word.

An antonym in a context clue can help a reader discover the meaning of a word because it presents a word or phrase that has the opposite meaning of the unknown word. By recognizing the contrast between the unknown word and its antonym, the reader can make an inference about the meaning of the unknown word. This process of elimination can help narrow down the possible meanings of the word and provide a clearer understanding.

The correct answer is option 2: it provides a contrast to the unknown word.

When a reader encounters an unfamiliar word, they can often use the context clues around it to understand its meaning. Antonyms, or words with opposite meanings, can be particularly useful in this process. By identifying an antonym in the context, the reader can understand the contrast between the known word and the unknown word, thus allowing them to infer the meaning of the unknown word.

Here's an example to illustrate this:

Context: "John was an avid cyclist, while Mary preferred to walk everywhere. She abhorred using any form of transportation."

In this context, the antonym "walk" contrasts with the unknown word "abhorred." Since "walk" means to move on foot, the presence of the antonym suggests that "abhorred" relates to a strong dislike or hatred towards using any form of transportation. The contrast between walking and abhorring transportation allows the reader to infer the meaning of "abhorred."