Combination of red and blue

The combination of red and blue creates the color purple.

Combining red and blue can create different colors depending on the proportions used. When mixing these two primary colors of light, the result will be magenta. When mixing these two primary colors of paint or pigment, the result will be purple. The specific shade of purple or magenta depends on the exact shades of red and blue being used.

When you combine the colors red and blue, you get the color purple.

To understand why this happens, we need to understand the basics of color mixing. Colors are perceived by our eyes due to the presence of different light wavelengths. When light hits an object, certain wavelengths are absorbed and others are reflected back, which is what we perceive as color.

In the case of red and blue, red light has a longer wavelength, while blue light has a shorter wavelength. When red light hits an object, it reflects mostly red wavelengths and absorbs all the other colors. Similarly, when blue light hits an object, it reflects mostly blue wavelengths and absorbs all the other colors.

Now, when you combine red and blue colors of light, both red and blue wavelengths are reflected, while other colors are absorbed. Our eyes perceive this combination of reflected red and blue wavelengths as the color purple.

This phenomenon also applies to mixing physical pigments or dyes. When you mix red pigment with blue pigment, the red pigment absorbs most of the colors in the light spectrum except for red, while the blue pigment absorbs most of the colors except for blue. The remaining red and blue wavelengths that are reflected create the color purple.