Combination of yellow and red

The combination of yellow and red creates the color orange.

The combination of yellow and red creates the color orange. This can be confirmed by understanding the color mixing principles used in color theory.

Color mixing is based on the three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. When you mix two primary colors together, you get a secondary color. In this case, when you mix yellow and red, you get orange.

To physically mix these colors, you can use paint or other artistic mediums. Start by obtaining equal amounts of yellow and red pigments, then blend them together thoroughly until you achieve a vibrant orange hue.

Alternatively, if you prefer to mix colors digitally, you can use graphic design software or color mixing tools available online. These tools simulate the blending of colors, making it easy to see the result of mixing yellow and red.

Remember, the process of mixing colors can vary depending on the medium and pigments used. However, understanding the color theory behind the combination of yellow and red will help you achieve the desired result.

When you combine yellow and red, you get the color orange. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Start with the color yellow and red as your base colors.
2. Mix equal parts of yellow and red paint together.
3. Stir the mixture well to ensure the colors are thoroughly combined.
4. As you mix, you will notice the color gradually changing from red and yellow to a vibrant orange shade.
5. Continue mixing until you achieve your desired shade of orange.
6. Once fully mixed, you have successfully created the combination of yellow and red, resulting in the color orange.