Use the sentence to answer the question.

Construction on the new shopping center will begins in two weeks.
Which is the meaning of the root in the underlined word?

1. To plan
2. To decide
3. To build
4. To open

3. To build

The meaning of the root in the underlined word "begins" is 3. To build.

To determine the meaning of the root in the underlined word, "begins," we can break down the word and examine its components. The root of "begins" is "begin." Now, let's consider the options given:

1. "To plan" - The root "begin" does not convey the meaning of planning but rather the starting or initiating of something.

2. "To decide" - The root "begin" does not imply making a decision but rather the action of starting or commencing something.

3. "To build" - This option is a potential match since construction, which is the subject of the sentence, involves building.

4. "To open" - Though the opening of the shopping center will happen at a later stage, the root "begin" does not specifically indicate the act of opening.

Based on the given options, the closest meaning to the root of the underlined word "begins" is option 3, "To build."