The root spect means "see." Based on this knowledge, which is the most likely meaning of the word introspection?

1. A careful examination of an argument
2. A positive feeling about a person
3. A close look at one's thoughts or emotions
4. A dislike of certain colors

The most likely meaning of the word introspection, based on the root spect meaning "see," is:

3. A close look at one's thoughts or emotions

Based on the knowledge that the root "spect" means "see," the most likely meaning of the word introspection is 3. A close look at one's thoughts or emotions.

To determine the meaning of the word "introspection" based on the root "spect," we need to break down the root and examine its meaning. The root "spect" comes from the Latin word "spectare," which means "to see" or "to look." Based on this knowledge, the most likely meaning of the word "introspection" is option 3, "a close look at one's thoughts or emotions."

Here's how you can arrive at this answer:
1. Start by identifying the root of the word, which is "spect."
2. Understand that "spect" means "see" or "look."
3. Consider the prefixes and suffixes in the word to get a clearer meaning. In this case, "intro-" means "within" or "inside," and "-tion" indicates a noun.
4. Put it all together: "introspection" is a noun that refers to the act of looking within oneself, examining one's thoughts or emotions closely.

Therefore, the most likely meaning of "introspection" is a close look at one's thoughts or emotions (option 3).