What does Junior mean when he says “I will never quit playing hard. And I don’t just mean basketball” (page 186

On page 186 of which book?

When Junior says, "I will never quit playing hard. And I don't just mean basketball," he is referring to his determination and perseverance in all aspects of his life.

Throughout the book, "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian" by Sherman Alexie, Junior faces numerous challenges and obstacles, both on and off the basketball court. However, he refuses to give up or back down from these challenges.

By saying that he will never quit playing hard, Junior is expressing his commitment to giving his best effort and putting in the necessary work to succeed, not only in basketball but also in his education, relationships, and personal growth. He understands that he needs to work hard and stay focused on his goals in order to improve his circumstances and create a better future for himself.

To understand what Junior means when he says "I will never quit playing hard. And I don’t just mean basketball" on page 186, you would need to refer to the context and events leading up to this statement. Here's how you can analyze it:

1. Recall the previous events: Go back to the pages leading up to page 186 and review what happened in the story. Look for any clues or incidents that might have influenced Junior's statement.

2. Examine the immediate context: Within the paragraph surrounding the quote on page 186, look for any specific details or examples that might shed light on Junior's statement. Consider whether he is referring to a particular situation or interaction.

3. Interpret the quote: Based on your understanding of the story and the context, try to infer the meaning of Junior's statement. Consider its broader implications beyond just the game of basketball. Think about whether Junior is expressing a determination to approach all aspects of his life with the same level of dedication and intensity as he does with basketball.

Remember that interpreting quotes and making meaning from them requires a comprehensive understanding of the story being analyzed. So read the surrounding pages or chapters to form a well-informed interpretation.