the following are short terms effects of tobacco except:

A: yellowed teeth
B: bad breath
C: dulled taste buds
D: nicotine addiction
E: weakened immune system

D: nicotine addiction

The correct answer is E: weakened immune system.

To find the correct answer, you need to analyze the given options and eliminate the one that does not belong to the category of short-term effects of tobacco. Let's evaluate each option:

A: Yellowed teeth - Tobacco contains chemicals that can stain teeth and cause them to become yellow over time. This is a well-known short-term effect of smoking.

B: Bad breath - Smoking can cause bad breath due to the chemicals and toxins present in tobacco smoke. This is also a short-term effect of tobacco use.

C: Dulled taste buds - Smoking can dull the sense of taste by interfering with the sensory receptors in the mouth and nose. This effect is considered short-term.

D: Nicotine addiction - Nicotine is a highly addictive substance found in tobacco. When smoking, nicotine is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream, leading to addiction. Although addiction itself is a long-term condition, the effects of nicotine addiction, such as the immediate cravings and withdrawal symptoms, can be categorized as short-term.

E: Weakened immune system - This is the exceptional answer. The weakened immune system is not typically classified as a short-term effect of smoking. While long-term smoking can impair the immune system, making smokers more susceptible to various illnesses, it is not typically considered on the same time frame as short-term effects.

Based on the above analysis, the correct answer is E: weakened immune system.