Which of these acts as the gatekeeper for food in the ruminant stomach?

A, omasum
4, reticulum
C. rumen
D. abomasum

C. rumen

The correct answer is C. rumen.

To determine which part of the ruminant stomach acts as the gatekeeper for food, we need to understand the functions of each of the options provided.

A. Omasum: The omasum is responsible for absorbing water and some nutrients from the partially digested food, but it does not serve as the gatekeeper.

4. Reticulum: The reticulum is involved in further breaking down the food particles and mixing them with digestive enzymes, but it is not the gatekeeper.

C. Rumen: The rumen is the largest and most significant part of the ruminant stomach. It acts as the fermentation vat, where complex carbohydrates are broken down by microorganisms like bacteria and protozoa. However, it is not the gatekeeper.

D. Abomasum: The abomasum is the true stomach of the ruminant, similar to the stomach of monogastric animals. It is responsible for secreting gastric enzymes and acids, as well as providing an acidic environment for further digestion. The abomasum can be considered the gatekeeper because it controls the release of partially digested food (from the rumen) into the small intestine for further absorption.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. abomasum.