Purging causes a serious health risk because it _____

(1 point)

it allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus.

it allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus.

causes an abnormal gag reflex.

causes an abnormal gag reflex.

becomes an addiction.

becomes an addiction.

can cause your heart to suddenly stop.

it allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus.

The correct answer is: it allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus.

The correct answer is "it allows stomach acid to burn your esophagus." Purging is a potentially dangerous behavior often associated with eating disorders. It involves vomiting or using laxatives to get rid of food from the body after eating. When someone purges, the stomach acid from the digestive system is brought up, and if this happens frequently, it can damage the esophagus. Stomach acid is highly acidic and not meant to be in contact with the sensitive tissues of the throat and esophagus, leading to inflammation, irritation, and potential long-term damage. It is important to seek help if you or someone you know is struggling with purging behavior and to address any underlying issues related to eating disorders.