When you jump, you exert a pushing force against the ground. Gravity pulls you back down. Why can a person jump higher on the moon than on Earth?(1 point) Responses A person weighs more on the moon than on Earth. A person weighs more on the moon than on Earth. A person has less mass on the moon than on Earth. A person has less mass on the moon than on Earth. Pushing forces are stronger on the moon than on Earth. Pushing forces are stronger on the moon than on Earth. The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.

The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.

The correct answer is: The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.

On the moon, the force of gravity is approximately one-sixth of that on Earth. Since the force of gravity determines how much an object weighs, a person would weigh less on the moon than on Earth. This means that the gravitational force pulling them down is weaker, allowing them to jump higher.

The correct response is: The gravitational force on the moon is weaker than on Earth.

When you jump, you exert a pushing force against the ground. According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So when you push against the ground, the ground pushes back with an equal and opposite force, propelling you into the air.

On Earth, the gravitational force is stronger compared to the moon because the Earth has a larger mass. This means that the force pulling you downward is greater, making it harder for you to overcome gravity and jump higher.

On the moon, however, the gravitational force is weaker because the moon has a smaller mass. This means that there is less force pulling you downward, allowing you to exert a greater pushing force against the ground and jump higher.

To determine the correct response, you need to understand the relationship between gravity and jumping height, as well as the difference in gravitational force between the moon and Earth.