7. What role did La Malinche play in Cortés' expedition? (1 point)

La Malinche, also known as Malintzin or Doña Marina, played a crucial role in Cortés' expedition as she served as an interpreter and advisor. She was a Nahua woman who had been enslaved and then given to Cortés as a translator. Due to her fluency in both the Nahuatl language and Mayan dialects, she was able to help Cortés communicate with indigenous groups throughout Mexico. La Malinche played a significant role in bridging the communication gap between the Spanish conquistadors and the native peoples, ultimately contributing to Cortés' successful conquest of the Aztec empire.

La Malinche, also known as Doña Marina, played a significant role in Cortés' expedition to Mexico as a translator and advisor. She was a Nahua woman from the Gulf Coast region and her knowledge of both the Nahuatl language and Mayan dialects allowed her to serve as an interpreter between Cortés and the indigenous peoples they encountered. La Malinche played a crucial role in bridging the communication gap between the Spanish and the local indigenous groups, which was instrumental in Cortés' ability to negotiate alliances and gather information throughout his conquest of the Aztec Empire. However, her involvement with the Spanish also made her a controversial figure, as she is seen by some as a traitor to her own people.

La Malinche, also known as Doña Marina, played a crucial role in Hernán Cortés' expeditions in the early 16th century. She was a Nahua woman who served as a translator and advisor to Cortés during his interactions with various Indigenous communities in Mexico.

To better understand La Malinche's role, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by researching the background of Hernán Cortés and his expedition to Mexico. This will help you understand the historical context and the purpose of his journey.

2. Look for information about the encounters between Cortés and the Indigenous communities he encountered. Focus on the language and cultural barriers that arose during these interactions.

3. Explore the role La Malinche played in bridging the gap between the Spanish conquistadors and the Indigenous populations. Note that she was a bilingual speaker who could communicate in both Nahuatl (the language of the Aztec empire) and Spanish.

4. Discover how La Malinche's knowledge of the language and culture contributed to Cortés' ability to negotiate alliances and gain information about his adversaries. Her skills as a translator allowed Cortés to communicate with Indigenous leaders, forming alliances that ultimately aided the Spanish conquest.

5. Consider the historical interpretations and debates surrounding La Malinche's role and her portrayal in historical accounts. Some view her as a traitor for her involvement with the Spanish, while others see her as a survivor and a key contributor to the conquest.

By following these steps and conducting research, you will gain a better understanding of La Malinche's role in Cortés' expedition and the significance of her contributions.