Which sentence includes a prepositional phrase?

A. The test was moved to Wednesday
B. I will try to memorize the poem
C. The cat is swishing it’s tail
D. Monday is the last day to sign up

B. I will try to memorize the poem

The sentence that includes a prepositional phrase is: B. I will try to memorize the poem.

To find the sentence that includes a prepositional phrase, let's first understand what a prepositional phrase is. A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition (such as to, from, in, on, at) and ends with a noun or pronoun.

Now, let's analyze each of the given sentences to identify the one that contains a prepositional phrase:

A. The test was moved to Wednesday.
In this sentence, the preposition "to" is followed by the noun "Wednesday." Therefore, this sentence includes a prepositional phrase: "to Wednesday."

B. I will try to memorize the poem.
In this sentence, the preposition "to" is followed by the verb "memorize." The phrase "to memorize" does not have a noun or pronoun after the preposition, so it is not a prepositional phrase.

C. The cat is swishing its tail.
This sentence does not have any prepositions, and therefore, it does not include a prepositional phrase.

D. Monday is the last day to sign up.
In this sentence, the preposition "to" is followed by the verb phrase "sign up." The phrase "to sign up" does not have a noun or pronoun after the preposition, so it is not a prepositional phrase.

Based on our analysis, the only sentence that includes a prepositional phrase is:

A. The test was moved to Wednesday.