Which animal will be able to control its body temperature the best?

Animals with a low surface to volume ratio
Animals with a high surface area to volume ratio

Animals with a high surface area to volume ratio will be able to control their body temperature the best. This is because a high surface area to volume ratio allows for more effective heat exchange with the environment, enabling them to quickly adjust their body temperature as needed.

The animal that will be able to control its body temperature the best is an animal with a high surface area to volume ratio. To understand why, let's explain the concept of surface area to volume ratio.

Surface area to volume ratio refers to the relative amount of surface area an object has compared to its volume. In the case of living organisms, the surface area refers to the area through which heat can be gained or lost, while the volume represents the amount of heat the body can generate or hold.

In general, animals with a higher surface area to volume ratio are more efficient at controlling their body temperature because they have a greater surface area available for heat exchange. This means they can more easily gain or lose heat with their environment to regulate their body temperature.

In contrast, animals that have a low surface area to volume ratio, like amphibians and ectotherms, have a smaller surface area compared to their volume. This makes it more challenging for them to control their body temperature as they have limited surface area to exchange heat with their surroundings.

So, animals with a high surface area to volume ratio are better equipped to regulate their body temperature and are the most effective at controlling their internal temperature.

Animals with a high surface area to volume ratio will be able to control their body temperature the best.