Question 4 (1 point)

Convection ovens are ovens that are advertised to cook food more evenly than a standard thermal oven. Which statement best explains how a convection oven works?

Hot air is transferred through density differences with cool air rising and hot air sinking.
Hot air is transferred through heat being radiated from a thermal burner.
Hot air is transferred through density differences with hot air rising and cool air sinking.
Hot air is transferred through molecule to molecule contact.


Hot air is transferred through density differences with hot air rising and cool air sinking.

The statement that best explains how a convection oven works is:

c) Hot air is transferred through density differences with hot air rising and cool air sinking.

The correct answer is option c: "Hot air is transferred through density differences with hot air rising and cool air sinking."

A convection oven works by using a fan to circulate the hot air inside the oven. Unlike a standard thermal oven, which relies on natural convection (where hot air naturally rises and cool air sinks), a convection oven actively forces the air to circulate with the help of a fan.

When the oven is turned on, the heating element in the oven heats up the air. As the air heats up, it becomes less dense and rises. At the same time, cooler and denser air displaces the rising hot air and sinks towards the bottom of the oven.

The circulation of the hot air created by this process results in a more even distribution of heat throughout the oven. This helps to cook the food more evenly, as the hot air surrounds the food from all sides, rather than relying on heat only from the top or bottom, as in a standard thermal oven.

Therefore, option c is the best statement that explains how a convection oven works.