What is the smallest interval between two notes?

whole step

quarter step

half step

eighth step

The smallest interval between two notes is a half step.

The smallest interval between two notes is called a half step. To understand this, let me explain how to find the interval between notes in music.

In western music, we use a system called the chromatic scale, which consists of twelve different pitches. These pitches are represented by the white and black keys on a piano keyboard. Each step you take from one note to the next, either higher or lower, is considered an interval.

A half step refers to the smallest distance between two adjacent notes. For example, if you start on the note C and move up to the next note on the piano, which is a black key called C-sharp (or D-flat), you have moved a half step. Similarly, if you start on D and move down to D-flat (also known as C-sharp), you have moved a half step as well.

To find other intervals like whole steps, quarter steps, or eighth steps, you would need to divide or multiply the half step distance accordingly. However, it's important to note that in traditional western music theory, these intervals are not typically used or recognized.

So, to answer your question, the smallest interval between two notes is a half step.

The smallest interval between two notes is called a half step.