Something that is permissible under the law as defined by legislation is considered to be:

(1 point)
A. Unethical
B. Perfunctory
C. Illegal
D. Legal

D. Legal

D. Legal

To determine the correct answer, you need to understand the definitions of the terms provided. In this case, the term "permissible under the law as defined by legislation" means something that is allowed or authorized by the law as specified by the governing legislation.

Now let's analyze the given options:

A. Unethical: This option refers to actions or behaviors that are morally wrong or violate ethical principles. It does not necessarily pertain to legality. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.

B. Perfunctory: This option refers to actions done in a routine or mechanical manner without much effort or interest. It is unrelated to legality and is not the correct answer.

C. Illegal: This option refers to actions or behaviors that are prohibited or against the law. It is the opposite of what is described in the question. Hence, it is not the correct answer.

D. Legal: This option refers to actions or behaviors that are allowed or authorized by the law. It aligns with the description provided in the question, where something permissible under the law is being discussed. Therefore, this is the correct answer.

So, the correct answer is D. Legal.