The element in the missing box is . (Use the symbol from the periodic table, not the whole name.)

To determine the element in the missing box, we would need more information or context. Without any additional details or clues, it is not possible to identify the specific element.

To provide you with the element symbol, I would need more information about the missing box. Could you please specify the element's atomic number or provide more details about its position in the periodic table?

To determine the missing element in the box, we need to refer to the periodic table. The periodic table organizes all the known elements based on their atomic number, symbol, and other properties. It helps us identify and locate elements easily.

Here's how you can find the missing element:

1. Open a web browser or take out a physical copy of the periodic table.
2. Look for the missing box or the information provided around it, such as its position in a row or group.
3. Locate the element symbol of the known elements around the missing box.
4. Identify the element symbol that corresponds to the missing box.

Without additional information or the specific context, it's difficult for me to provide a direct answer. However, with the help of the periodic table, you can easily find the element symbol for the missing box.