which factor best explains why native americans were able to make permanent settlements?

native americans began to cultivate plants for food.
native americans began to create more complex tools and pottery
native american discovered alternate food sources, such as shellfish
native americans wanted to band together in large groups for protection

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is that they began to cultivate plants for food. This allowed them to settle in one place and rely on a steady food source, rather than constantly searching for food as hunter-gatherers. Plant cultivation provided a more stable and reliable food supply, which contributed to the development of permanent settlements.

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements is the following: Native Americans began to cultivate plants for food.

Explanation: Native Americans transitioned from a nomadic lifestyle to a sedentary one by domesticating and cultivating plants for food. This shift was crucial in establishing permanent settlements because it provided a reliable and sustainable food source. By planting crops such as corn, beans, and squash, Native Americans could settle in one location and sustain their communities through agriculture. Cultivating plants allowed for a stable food supply, which in turn freed up time for other activities like building more permanent structures, creating more complex tools and pottery, and developing social and cultural systems.

The factor that best explains why Native Americans were able to make permanent settlements was their discovery of alternate food sources, such as shellfish.