Write the following articles and nouns in their plural forms:

el lapiz

la nariz

el profesor

el raton

los lapices

las narices

los profesores

los ratones

los lapices

las narices

los profesores

los ratones

To write these words in their plural forms, you need to follow the rules of pluralization in Spanish. Most nouns form their plurals by adding an -s or an -es at the end. Here are the plural forms of the words you mentioned:

El lápiz (the pencil) - Los lápices (the pencils)
To make "el lápiz" plural, you replace the -z with -ces.

La nariz (the nose) - Las narices (the noses)
To make "la nariz" plural, you replace the -z with -ces.

El profesor (the teacher) - Los profesores (the teachers)
"El profesor" follows the typical plural rule by adding -es at the end.

El ratón (the mouse) - Los ratones (the mice)
"El ratón" follows the typical plural rule by adding -es at the end.

Remember, while most nouns in Spanish follow regular pluralization rules, there are some exceptions. It's always good to consult a dictionary or a reliable resource to confirm the plural form of specific words.