Based on current law, which of the following groups are required to register for the draft?(1 point)


all immigrants over the age of 21
all immigrants over the age of 21

all males over 18, both citizens and immigrants
all males over 18, both citizens and immigrants

all citizens over 18, both men and women
all citizens over 18, both men and women

all persons over the age of 21

all males over 18, both citizens and immigrants

According to current law in the United States, the group that is required to register for the draft is all males over the age of 18, both citizens and immigrants. The correct response is "all males over 18, both citizens and immigrants." To arrive at this answer, you would need to be familiar with the Selective Service System, which is the agency responsible for maintaining a database of potential draftees in case a draft is ever needed. This agency requires all males in the U.S., including citizens and immigrants, to register for the draft within 30 days of turning 18.

Based on current law in the United States, the group that is required to register for the draft is:

- all males over 18, both citizens and immigrants.

Therefore, the correct response would be:

- all males over 18, both citizens and immigrants.