What is the composition of Earth's core?(1 point)


mostly iron
mostly iron

very liquid
very liquid

very dense
very dense

mostly silicate material

mostly iron

The composition of Earth's core is mostly iron, which accounts for approximately 85% of its composition. The core is also very dense, with a density of about 13 grams per cubic centimeter. Additionally, the core is in a liquid state, mainly due to the high temperatures and pressures at that depth.

The composition of Earth's core is mostly iron. To arrive at this answer, scientists have gathered evidence from seismic waves and meteorites. Seismic waves are generated by earthquakes and travel through the Earth, providing valuable information about its internal structure. By studying how these waves behave, scientists have determined that the core must be composed mostly of iron. Additionally, meteorites that have fallen to Earth have a similar composition to the core, further supporting this conclusion. So, the correct answer is "mostly iron."